Training Equipment
Proper equipment is important to ensure athletes are prepared for training each day. This resource is intended to list the basics all athletes should have for training.
Proper and adequate nutrition is fundamental to being an athlete to support their general health and training needs. The three pillars of nutrition are ensuring caloric needs are met, variety, and quality. Athletes need to make sure they have enough energy and nutrients to meet the demands of their training plan, growth, brain function, and recovery. This resource is intended to be used to help guide athletes in ensuring they are meeting their nutritional needs.
Race Warm-Up
Having a good race warm-up is fundamental to racing well. This resource is intended to be used as a guideline, but athletes should fine tune it for their specific needs.
Pre and Post Race Forms
This resource is intended to be used to help with nerves and anxiety prior to competition, as well as to evaluate and learn from competitions to grow as an athlete.
Goal Evaluation
It is important to set goals so you can think through the process and steps needed to reach your goal, and so you have something to work towards. This resource is intended to be used with coach support 2-3 times a season.
Waxing and Ski Cleaning, Labeling, and Care
Waxing and ski care is fundamental to ensuring skis remain in good condition - both for racing and training. These resources are intended to help guide athletes on the best waxing practices and ski care to ensure their gear lasts and remains in optimal condition.
Ski Fleet and Gear
As athletes level of racing gets higher, they will begin building out their race ski fleet. This resource is intended to help athletes choose the best skis and gear for their race needs.
Overtraining and RED-S
Overtraining occurs when athletes continue to push through training and ignore signs that their body needs more rest and recovery. This can be very serious and can have lasting lifelong impacts on an athletes health if these symptoms are not addressed properly. This resource is intended to help athletes recognize the signs and symptoms of overtraining and RED-S (relative energy deficiency in sport) and recovery practices when they push into these zones.